Perron Rigot is a renowned French creator of professional, high quality, low temperature waxes suitable for all techniques and skin types. Only the finest ingredients are used in its formulations.
The range of Cirépil by Perron Rigot waxes include strip and non-strip, sensitive & hypoallergenic, moisturizing & natural, scented & unscented. Waxes are perfect for both male and female waxing treatments including the growing demand for intimate services.
The different varieties and textures of Cirépil waxes have each been created with a targeted solution for each clients’ need, ensuring perfect results and customer satisfaction every time. To complete the line, accessories and a beautiful and effective line of pre & post treatment products are available.
Perron Rigot is the creator of the Original patented Cirépil Blue Wax in North America. Best known as non-strip or hard wax, Cirépil Blue is used without strips.
Cirépil Products are and always have been Cruelty Free. All Cirepil Waxes are Gluten Free, Paraben Free and have Vegan options.